A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

This is an old Flash game I made in 2012. Please keep that in mind if you play it!

This is a simple game I made for an assignment in an "intro to game programming" class in college (probably November 2012).

Click on the guy in the middle before he gets hit by the asteroids! Make sure you don't overdo it and hurt your hand/wrist though!

"""Soundtrack""": https://chrislogsdon.bandcamp.com/track/clickfest-in-space

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Release date Nov 19, 2012
AuthorChris Logsdon
Tags2D, Clicker, flash, Simple, Space


Clickfest in Space (EXE and SWF) 6.7 MB

Install instructions

If you're on Windows, just run the .exe file.

If you're not on Windows, you may be able to run the .swf file if you have a Flash player installed.

If you don't have a Flash player installed, you may be able to find it here: https://web.archive.org/web/20220401020702/https://www.adobe.com/support/flashpl...

Development log

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